Monday, November 23, 2009

Giving Thanks

Here it is November, already! I’m still curious as to what has happened to this year. Time seems to be slipping by ever so quickly or is it that as we get older time just flies by?

Each year at this time I reflect on that first Thanksgiving of 1621 we have all read about. But the part of this story that I find intriguing are the events leading up to that first thanksgiving.

The story begins with two religious groups of people in England . One group known as the “Separatists” because they wanted to effect change within the church while doing it from outside of the church. The other group was the “Puritans” whose goal was to effect change within the church while remaining inside the church.

The Separatists were adamant about their position and so much to the point that they became a people that were persecuted for their belief system. They were so persecuted that they decided to leave England and settled in Holland . The Dutch people welcomed the people from England and invited them into their country. After about eight years the settlers from England began to feel they needed to relocate to the new land they had heard about across the ocean.

The reason for leaving Holland was because the Separatists were concerned they were loosing grasp of their English roots.

They located a ship called the Speedwell. The captain gladly booked their passage and promised they would be enroute to the new land they had heard of. The English Separatists were elated with the promise of establishing their new found roots where they could worship God as they chose without the confines of the Church of England dictating what they could or could not do.

The separatists boarded the Speedwell and, after a few days at sea, they put into a harbor that appeared very familiar. It was ENGLAND ! They didn’t want to go to England as they were wanted people. The captain of the Speedwell had hoodwinked them. What to do?

They scurried around the harbor making inquiries of the sea captains and found one ship that would take them to the new land across the ocean. They agreed on the fare and boarded the MAYFLOWER.

For the next several days these deeply dedicated, Godly people made the journey to the new land. When they arrived at Plymouth Rock there was such an emotion of peace, joy and also the stress of the unknowing. What would be in their immediate future? Only God knew, but they trusted in a God of miracles. After all, He had made provision for them over the past few years of their persecution and they knew he would take care of them in this new found land.

Their first year was a time of discovery for the new settlers, these people of faith who made it clear to the organized Church of England, “Keep your creeds and dogmas, but give us the Word of God.”

It was during this time that they met Squanto, a native of this new land, who befriended the new settlers and taught them how to plant and hunt for their food.

At the end of the growing season they were taught how to harvest their crops and then they decided to gather for what we all have come to know in this country as THANKSGIVING. They gathered and gave thanks to God for the bountifulness of his blessings and they reflected on their journey to this new land. It wasn’t long until they were joined by the Puritans.

The history of Thanksgiving is a wonderful one and I am reminded of a passage in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, 1Th 5:18 “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

As we gather with friends and family this Thanksgiving be sure to remember our roots from the story about the Pilgrim Fathers. Be thankful for God’s Grace in your life and enjoy this wonderful holiday together. This has been a most difficult year for many of us just as it was difficult for the Pilgrim settlers of 1620.

Look up, move forward. God really does love and care for you.

Here’s a Litany you may want to use at your family gathering this year.

Leader: Why have you come to this place?

People: We are here to give thanks.

L: What reasons do you have to be thankful?

P: We are thankful for the gift of love, the love of God, our family and our friends; a love which brings us comfort when we feel alone in this impersonal world.

L: Is love all that you have for which to be thankful?

P: Each day we receive many blessings, but it is love which makes them possible and meaningful.

L: To who do you give thanks for your blessings?

P: We are thankful to God. We want always to have an attitude of gratefulness, so that our lives may be filled with abundant grace.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Three Phase Formula to Get On Track.

Three phase formula to get healthy and back on track for the Lord's will.....

Friends, as you may know, I have struggled with a few things over the past three years - a change in ministry, finding out I have diabetes, vision impairment, etc. None of these things were of my design or desire. Through this process, I have found my faith strengthened and my vision for life and ministry enhanced.

We hear a lot about success and how to achieve it. Throughout my life I have certainly come to understand and live by Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." In other words, "I'll believe it when I see it." I say, "Ill see it when I believe it!"

Someone once said, "Whatsoever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." This has been a sustaining power for me as I have had to stay on task to reach the goal of good vision, getting the diabetes under control and returning to my call and love, the ministry of the Word. My dear friend, Dr. David Moshier, has said, "The best laid plans for success will crumble in so much dust if we do not believe in our plans and believe that we have the ability to achieve them."

Regaining my health did not come overnight. It was a process of time and a developed spiritual mindset that, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I can report to you today that the diabetes is under wonderful control because I am controlling my diet. My vision is much improved because I accepted the treatments and take nutrients that is helping the vision improve. I am now doing some driving! For months, I had been in a "fog" due to bleed-out in the eyes. But, because someone took a chance on a cancer med to see if it would also dissolve and inhibit the bad blood vessels that grow in many diabetics' eyes, I no longer have the bleed-out!
Here is the three phase formula I have used to get myself healthy and back on track for the Lord's will in my life:
Establish goals,
Lay out plans to achieve the goals, and
Act on the plans.

This is the system that has worked for me, and I give all the thanks and glory to my Lord, Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for my friends who have been patient with me and prayed for me during the past three years. God has sustained Donna and me in such glorious ways. During this time we were blessed to buy a house, and what a joy it is to see the hand of God working on our behalf to help us move toward LifeSuccess.

Whatever your struggles, give God the opportunity to pull you out of the pit (Psalm 40:1-3) and follow the three simple steps I have shared with you today.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Reaching out.

Recently I had a unique day. A day I will not soon forget. It was Donna's day off work and we enjoy "hangin' together" and doing some things that get us out of the house.

A new Farm store had opened in our town so we decided to go "window shopping." One of the associates of the store spoke to us and we started talking about one of the items on display. The lady mentioned something about church. Now, when someone says something about church, that gets my attention and I will follow through on that topic.

We had a wonderful conversation and learned this couple was looking for a place to worship. I shared with her about our TNT--Thursday Nights Together. This is a gathering where we have music, informal moments and I offer a teaching. Currently I am doing a series called: Extreme Makeover:Practical Life Edition. When we finished our conversation the lady said "thanks for taking time with me." She needed to share and someone needed to listen.

We then stopped by a Mexican fast food place and had some lunch. A couple of the employees was doing some cleanup in the dining room and we all started talking---just chit chat at first then, the woman mentioned she had started taking some online classes and I asked her which school. The conversation turned toward coping with stress and we found out she had been in New York City on 9/11/01 and was assigned to Ladder 11 of the FDNY. Her Lieutenant told her to remain outside and he entered one of the towers and she never saw him again.

Another person who had a story to tell and someone needed to listen.

That afternoon we drove to a nearby community where we had lived a few years back. I had served a small church in the town and also served as a deputy marshal on the police department. I had been summoned to the town to check in on my former partner on the police department. The doctors had given him very little time to live as he had developed a brain tumor.

We shared old memories, funny stories and some serious conversation about spiritual matters. My dear friend and former police partner had a story to tell and someone needed to listen.

As I prepared to leave I offered prayer. I keep a small vial of olive oil in my pocket for such times as this. I anointed his head and had a time of prayer with my friend. We had backed each other on many calls over the years but this is one time I realized this may be the last time I will ever "back-up" my friend in this life. It also occured to me that this is the best of all back-ups--prayer! After all I had been dispatched by the Holy Spirit to my friend for ministry.

We never know when we meet someone whether we will ever see them again. For me, it is important to have "ears open" and listen to what is being said and sometimes to what is not being said. Make time for others. It will enrich your life.

Be blessed!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Power Struggles

This Sunday I will be preaching at our home church. The text I will be using is from Mark 9:30-37. Even among the disciples of Jesus there was conflict and in this passage there was a power struggle.

Jesus asks them "What were you arguing about on the way?" They really didn't want to answer this question. I remember when as a child, I said or did something very petty or childish and my grandmother (who raised me) would ask the question, "What was that all about?" I remember not wanting to answer because I knew immediately that what I had done or said was silly.

The disciples were "caught" and they knew their behavior was childish. They were arguing as to was the greatest among them. I can hear John, who may have been the baby of the family saying, "He loves me the most". or Peter, "He has a very special place for me in the work of the kingdom." Here's what Jesus did:
9:35 He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, "Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all."9:36 Then he took a little child and put it among them; and taking it in his arms, he said to them,9:37 "Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me."

What lesson do we learn from this passage? 1. There will be power struggles, even in the church and among the ministry. 2. There is a lesson to be learned from every situation. 3. When we think we are exalted within ourselves remember, it is God who does the promotion and not man. 4. Distractions are one of the tools used by the enemy. A distraction will keep us from seeing the real problem or need.

If you are struggling with issues like the disciples did in this passage remember the lesson Jesus gave to them.

I pray you will find your place in HIS work and will. God has a place for each of us. He has a specific work for each of us to do. I pray you find that peace today.

Dr. Mike

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Oh My! A whole new world for me.

I must admit, communications have come a long way over a short period of time. Remember the idea of two Dixie cups and string? Well, it appears I have arrived in this world of "Blogging" of which I am not sure what really happens next but, here I go.
I was first introduced to this blogging site by my friends Donna and Robert Schuller. I recently opened a FaceBook account and have found that to be quite the experience. I like it to my childhood days watching my grandmother hanging out the laundry on the clothes line and having conversation/gossip with the neighbor lady.
This is a great experience to go beyond our communities and into the cyber world and share our thoughts, emotions and stories.
I look forward to this medium of communication and I hope the reader/visitor will enjoy what I have to say. As a Christian I believe in a God that is about positive things for people. Again, I hope you will enjoy this Positive Minute.
I pray you have a blessed and prosperous day!